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Department of Humanities and Arts

2014年12月17日 00:00 阅读次数:
In March 2006, the department was set up. At that time it owned only 3 divisions:secretary, Japanese, and environmental arts design. In September 2007, the three majors of applied Korean, visual communication arts design, and performing arts were added to this department. At the same time, the wood processing major in this department was adjusted to being managed by Department of Landscape Architecture. In 2009, the original 3 divisions were renamed as arts division, Japanese and Korean division, and secretary division. Music performance teaching and research group is under the arts division; Korean teaching and research group is under the Japanese and Korean division. And the majors are divided into 7 professions. They are environmental arts design, environmental arts design (space decoration), visual communication arts design, advertisement and exhibition, music performance, applied Japanese (tourism management, hotel management, gardening), applied Korean (secretary, hotel management), secretary (foreign secretary).
This department has signed the agreement of teaching cooperation with other provincial colleges and universities. The students are able to obtain bachelor’s degree through a series of studies and training after they get the associate bachelor’s degree. There are 6 foreign teachers with Japan and Korea nationalities. And at the time it has built up friendly exchange and cooperation relationships with Mie University, Nakabayashi Pasture, Kurume Comprehensive School in Japan, Sunlin College in South Korea and so on. This department adopts the various methods, such as overseas studies recommendation, cooperative education, overseas employment, introduction of foreign teachers and other forms, to realize the internationalization of talents.


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